By Virginia Winder
It's been two weeks since going public about my health, fitness and life-balance quest.
Not a long time in the scheme of things, but I've definitely come a long way.
I am now beginning to relax and have fun. Went out to a band last night - the John Butler Trio - and danced wildly. Wow, is that good for the soul!
Have also laughed, felt great joy and been ridiculous. I'm also reading again. For months now I've been unable to settle and so have been listening solely to audio books.
My sleep is still disturbed, but it's getting better. Before I would wake up every couple of hours, but now I have five-hour stretches of pure-bliss sleep.
The exercise is coming on well. I swam 30 lengths of the local indoor 25-metre pool tonight and even did some sprints. My muscles are feeling sore tonight, but it's that good sore when you know you've worked yourself hard.
So, have managed 14 days in a row of exercise and have not had even the slightest twinge of not wanting to go. Quite simply there is no out. Even bought new running shoes today because my old ones are getting, well, old.
Went to the USA versus Russia Rugby World Cup match at Stadium Taranaki tonight and it was great fun. The USA won 13-6 in a so-so match, but the crowd was fantastic. Heaps of people dressed up as Cossacks and sporting the red for Russia and even more decked out in Stars 'n' Stripes and some crazy outfits, like Wonder Woman and Uncle Sam.
Even spotted our former Prime Minister, Jim Bolger, sporting an Uncle Sam hat. He was sitting in the crowd a couple of rows up and getting into the spirit of things.
Now, some great news. I weighed myself today and I have lost 7kg, so am down to 113kg (249 pounds). Just another 53kg to go!
Seriously though, I do feel good about it, but refuse to become obssessed with my weight or food. But I am being mindful about what I eat and am only choosing healthy options. That's low-fat, low sugar (but no artificial sweetners) and food that sustains me.
I adore my muesli every morning and add different fruits to it, like an orange from our tree and/or blueberries. Have also been having a scattering of walnuts and am now including two brazil nuts to get the selenium not available in our soil. I soak the untoasted muesli over night in water and then pour a bit of manuka honey Biofarm yoghurt on top. It's so delicious!
Best of all is the support from people.
My sister, nieces, husband and kids are my loudest cheerleaders, albeit two of them from afar. It's great to have my whanau (family in Maori) 100% behind me.
People have stopped me in shops and in the street, written emails and texted me to offer encouragement. Once again, I have been humbled and amazed by the kindness of people.
Arohanui (big love) to you all.
Today, I:
Swam 30 lengths of a 25m pool
Lost 7kg (in two weeks)
Slept for 7 hours
Worked for 5 hours
Ate three healthy meals
Scoffed 5 pieces of dark chocolate (2 would have been wiser)
Need to:
Drink more water!
Loving it VW. Inspired. Miss ya. xx Kim B.