Saw a special sight when I was striding along the coastal walkway this morning.
A bloke was on the beach wearing an All Black shirt and cap, but the best accessory was his dog. It looked like a golden labrador and was trotting along with a wee All Black flag tucked into its collar.
I was wearing one of my husband's long-sleeved All Black supporter T-shirts and so I called out to this kindred spirit, who was so proud to honour the new rugby world champions, and we gave each other the thumbs up.
In my ears at that time, I was listening to Queen singing We Are The Champions, so that little exchange had the perfect soundtrack.
Last night, was the most tense I've ever been watching a match. But I know I wasn't alone; it appears the whole of New Zealand felt like that.
Weirdly, the more stressed I got, the calmer I became.
The only other time I've felt that was at Movie World on the Gold Coast when I took the Lethal Weapon ride about six times straight. At the end of those rides I wasn't a nervous wreck, but in a zen-like place of utter calmness.
That's how I felt during the last 10 minutes of the game.
But when that final whistle went, oh the joy, the relief and the swelling of pride and the feeling of rightness. Woohoo!
So there it is, the Rugby World Cup over for another four years - and it's ours. I use the collective "ours" because it did feel like the entire country was behind our boys last night.
My sister sent me a text from Australia that used words I can't repeat here, but it gist was of relief and happiness. I had sent a few texts to my brother, a rugby coach, in Perth, but he didn't answer. Concerned, I asked if his heart was alright - and how was he? His answer came in one word: Tears.
Just before midnight our French daughter, Camille (who had been an exchange student with us), contacted us on Skype and we learnt she was one of the 10,000 who gathered outside the town hall in Paris to watch the game on a big screen.
She was sad her team didn't win, but happy for the All Blacks. She has a soft spot for Dan Carter, you see.
So my exercise today was a 6km fast walk to powerful music thinking about triumphs and personal goals. My playlist included Queen, Eminem, Michael Franti, Muse, MC Hammer, Kasabian, Pink, the Black-eyed Peas, Proclaimers and Violent Femmes.
Now I'm off to plan my week, which is what a good friend of mine recommends doing to help de-stress herself and stay on top of things. She plans exercise and her work week, so everything can be fitted in.
Am feeling a bit better, than Thursday and Friday, but still a little fragile.
What I do know is that giving to others helps, which I have done this weekend. But I've got this policy not to talk about any kind things I do, unless it's to help promote someone else's cause. That's because my mum taught me not to talk about your good deeds.
But from a healthy mind viewpoint, doing things for others does stop you focusing inward.
This week will definitely be outward.
It's not about me... it's about those victorious Men In Black.
Good on ya Richie and the boys.
You made me and my whanau cry with pride.
Today, I:
Walked for 6km
Had a protein smoothie for breakfast and salad for lunch and dinner
Drank a moderate amount of water
Had no cups of coffee (ah, that's why I've got a headache!)
Had 1 chai latte
Worked for 2 hours
Slept deeply for 8 hours
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