Friday, January 27, 2012

Hit by that nagging feeling of guilt and tiredness

By Virginia Winder
Early morning: Long Bay on the North Shore with Rangitoto in
the distance. Photo: Warren Smart
Yes, it's been too long and I've had people nagging me to write.
Fair enough, but wait, I do have an excuse.
I have started a new/old job at Puke Ariki, been training and battling tiredness and a sore throat.
Come blog-writing time, I've turned tail and headed to bed.
Yes, I've been absolutely sapped of energy.
Let me tell you though, the final Big Day Out was a great workout. Got up a sweat dancing, jumping, arm punching and running up and down steps from stage to stage.
It wasn't a terrific nutrient day though, mainly because I had way too many coffees and, dare I admit it, energy drinks. My actually food choices were good and I didn't have any alcohol, but I didn't get any sleep because of caffeine overload.
I mean none.
Not surprisingly, the hint of a sore throat appeared the next day.
It was a full day too, one that began with a visit to Otara Market (a great place for lycra bike shorts).
Later on we went swimming in a tiny bay off Jervois Rd near where my brother used to live in Auckland before he moved to the heat of Perth.
The following day, I did a two-hour workout at Long Bay Beach, where I went for a walk-run and a swim.
We had a great time staying with long-time friends and came home on Monday feeling replenished, but yes, with a nagging feeling of unwellness.
Back in New Plymouth, I went for a walk-run after my radio show on the Most FM and on Wednesday easily managed 20 lengths of the outdoor pool with only a slight niggle in my left shoulder.
Oh this getting older thing is a pain!
I do my best to ignore the fact I'm just shy of 50 and am reintroducing my body to hard training after nearly two decades of physical slumber (does serious concert-going count as hard exercise?), but those strange twinges still keep happening.
Anyway, nothing is going to stop me.
Well nearly nothing.
Yesterday, I came home from work at Puke Ariki and went straight to bed and slept.
Last night we got bad news, which I won't go into here, but I didn't sleep well after that. Just lay there thinking about life and families and how precious people are.
I've also been thinking about our health and how we work so hard at our careers, but not at keeping well. That was me. I got my priorities all mixed up and now my own health comes first.
None of us are any good for anything if we're sick, are we?
So it all comes back to balance and already those demands of life and work are coming at me.
Incredibly I said no to a job this week because I couldn't fit it in.
Elton John sang "sorry" is the hardest word. I reckon it's "no".
Now, the big news is that on Sunday I'll be doing my first triathlon.
It's just a wee one and I hope I'm going to be able to manage it.
I'll make a judgement call when I wake up tomorrow, but am pretty positive all will be well!
I will, I will!
Fingers crossed this throat will be better and my energy will be back.
Can feel the healing powers of sleep calling.
So, hi ho, hi ho, off to bed I go...

Today, I:
Worked for 8 hours
Did no exercise
Have felt unwell
Ate three nutritious meals
Had 1 cup of coffee
Had 1 chai latte
Drank a few glasses of water
Slept about 12 hours (but 8 fitfully)

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