I lost June.
It disappeared inside a gothic dungeon, one with endless dark corridors that echoed, on and on, inside my head.
The outside world disappeared and after a desperate session with a pyschiatrist, I was put on stress leave for two weeks.

It didn't work.
One day, after swimming lengths at the aquatic centre, I came home and collapsed, mentally and physically.
That Thursday night a month ago, I called the mental health crisis team and was admitted to hospital with deep depression, plus I was no longer in touch with reality.
I stayed two weeks in Te Puna Waiora, the acute inpatient adult mental health unit at Taranaki Base Hospital. I slept and slept.
Slowly, my cracked mind began to heal.
"Depression is like cancer of the mind," the head psychiatrist said.
But I don't just have the downs. I also have huge highs; times of great euphoria, when I can take on the world and do.
I used to say "yes, I'll do that", "sure thing, I'll join your committee", "yes, I can do that job", "I can do that course". Yes, yes, yes.
Then I would crash and burn. I call it the drop zone.
You see, I have bipolar, a mood disorder that seesaws between manic highs and deep depression.
I was inititally diagnosed in 2006, after my first major mental crash.
But I promptly dismissed it and even convinced a pyschiatrist that I didn't need medication because the first one gave me jaw-clenching spasms. Then I went into complete denial and conveniently forgot the diagnosis.
Through the power of my own mind, I banished it, completely.
I bumbled along through the next few years, flying high and then nosediving. Up down, up down. I felt like I was going crazy - and I was.
In November last year, I was so desperate I asked to be referred back to mental health. The bipolar diagnosis was re-confirmed and I found myself on new medication. Inititally it worked. Then the seesawing of moods began again.
Exercise helped stabilise me. A brisk walk, a slow run, a long bike ride or lengths in the outside pool drenched with sun - these all lifted my spirits or burnt up the raging energy inside me.
Exercise was my saving grace during this tumultuous time.
Because, despite having a mental illness, I refuse, point blank, to let it stop me living life to the full.
However, it did stop me in June.
In May I became so manic that I didn't have a day off work. I worked for 31 days - at least - without a break.
Not surprisingly, my concentration began to fail and my mind turned into a giant jumble, then bang, I found myself in the gothic castle.
Imagine your mind so far gone that the outside world feels unreal and the "real world" is a dark dungeon, complete with corridors of ancient stone dripping with moisture. Adding to my internal misery, these corridors are a maze - there is no way out.
Looking back, I realise now that I was suffering from psychosis. Yes, I was psychotic. I have had one other episode, back in the 1990s, when I thought the BBC World News was put on just for my benefit and the news readers were talking directly to me, but this was the first time my mind landscape was utterly different from what I could see with my eyes.
It took about a week in hospital before the gothic castle receded totally and I was back in the here and now.
I got angry with everybody and everything, then slowly I calmed down and began to feel level again.
Only then could I start to absorb the literature given to me about bipolar and begin to understand why life has been so difficult for so many years.
And yes, I have finally embraced my diagnosis, because I know if I don't, I can't put tools in place to stay well. Denial is a disaster.
The hospital staff were amazing. The nurses were all caring, and one in particular taught me a simple to way to gauge my mood every day.
Look at a door, now imagine that the bottom is zero and the top is 100. What is your natural mood?
Because I am an outgoing person, naturally vivacious and colourful, my good place is between 60 and 70.
Anything above that and I am getting elevated and heading into the danger zone of mania.
On the down side, the lowest I can safely go is 40. Anything beneath that and I am heading towards depression.
As well as writing about exercise and my goal to complete a half-ironman in January next year (just six months away), I will be passing on tips about leading a balanced life. I won't be dwelling on my illness, but I won't ignore it either. Instead, I aim to be focused on wellness.
The strategies that work for me will, hopefully, resonate with healthy-minded people as much as those of us with a mental illness or experiencing a period of depression. Because I will tell you there is always hope and light to being well. Your depression won't last forever and on the way you will learn a great deal about yourself and come out stronger and wiser.
You can reach out and ask for help. People will listen and care. True friends won't judge you and those who do aren't bad; they just don't understand or are fearful of what they don't know.
It's here that I have to say that I don't feel anger or regret for having bipolar. It simply is.
Strangely, I also see it as a gift; one that allows me to feel life intensely - both the periods of despair and great joy. I could do without psychosis though, and I may never have another episode. But then again, I could.
British actor and writer Stephen Fry, who has bipolar, made a documentary about the illness and asked fellow sufferers if they wished they didn't have manic depression. Only one woman said she didn't want to have it. The rest would never give it up, simply because the elevated periods can be so amazing, the possibilities and ideas so incredible.
These periods can also be terribly destructive, but in today's blog post, I will stay as positive as possible.
I truly believe that although I have this mood disorder, it's not who I am. It's an illness and I am not my illness.
I am me. A mother, a wife, a friend, a citizen passionate about communties, sustainability, the environment, art, music and writing.
While I have my ups and downs, I have continued to work, to write story after story to the best of my ability. To teach, to mentor, to freelance and tackle many, many tasks. That will continue because, thankfully, I am high-functioning and know that even when times get tough, I still manage to produce work.
Also, I do my absolute best to be a good mother and loving wife. It's here that I have to say that having my husband, Warren, as my "safe place" and rock is a great help.
Still, it's bloody tough sometimes, but I refuse, point blank, to ever give up.
Plus I am an athlete in the making.
My journey to Mt Maunganui on 5 January 2012 is still on.
It's likely I might be fast walking the Taranaki Daily News Half Marathon in October, but yes, the Port of Tauranga Half is still a realistic goal, as is the Tinman (Olympic-length triathlon) in December.
Now it's time to get back on track because I've just got to do it!
P.S. Now you all know why Sir John Kirwan is one of my greatest heroes. He's also the inspiration for me "coming out" about having bipolar. Mental illness needs to be demystified and the stigmas have to go.
People needing help with depression can go on to JK's practical, inspiring and useful website, which includes a programme to join for direct daily help.
Other helpful links are:
Mental Health NZ
Balance NZ
Samaritans NZ
Virginia I have tears streaming! I truly applaud your courage and honesty... You have so much insight. Your bravery will help others who have moments of overwhelm and diagnoses which may be too much to bear. Honesty is the way to allow others to reach out a hand if you need it! We feel your pain when we meet and interpret it in other ways but knowing what is behind it all helps to realise that there are bigger things involved. You will always be the bright colourful being we love no matter how that is expressed. xo Sheralee
ReplyDeleteSheralee, thanks so much for your loving support. I am doing fine, but I wasn't there for awhile. There are so many people who are suffering and they don't need to do it in silence. There is help, like the Mate's Men's Network, the Samaritans, Like Minds, the mental health system and wonderful workers.
DeleteI don't feel lighter, freer and better for "coming out". People are kind and good, like you. I believe that.
Much love,
Virginia xxx
Much love
Virginia - good on you for posting and sharing and THANKS....i have also been through those high and then to the despair and dark places and feel like when i read above u coould have been writing my story.. since coming to OZ i have been quite open with people about having had depression because I think people have such stigmas about it, and the isolation from people u thought were friends etc can be soul destroying..the time i spent at the hospital helped me immensely and made me realise I wasnt alone. And now having a chronic respiratory condition makes me all the more conscious of not letting the black dog get a grip on my mind again....its an ongoing "battle' and literally a day-by-day baby steps process xxx am thinking of you and sending lots of love...and make sure u get rest no matter what..the lack of sleep/hyperactivity makes it so much worse xxx Love and hugs u beautiful fantastic inspirational woman xoxoxox Leigh Jackson
ReplyDeleteThanks Leigh. It makes me feel sad that people would leave you alone and not support you when you're down. People all have bad times and we need to be there for each other, no matter what. I have friends who have had terrible tragedies or suffer from mental illnesses, and I'd never think of turning my back on them in a time of need.
DeleteI'm sad to hear you have a chronic respiratory condition. I hope there is some positivity on this front for you - like wellness on the horizon.
You are an inspirational woman yourself! I am just me, doing what I do - writing, telling a story, this time my own.
Love to you too,
Virginia thank you for your honesty go well my friend you are who you are and may that never change
ReplyDeleteSuzanne, I don't think I could be anybody else or pretend to be. But I do hope to change a bit - and that's to stay well and not go high and then crash, high-crash. It's bloody exhausting!
DeleteBut I will be honest. And I will speak out to break down the stigmas of mental illness so people aren't too frightened to get help. I feel so powerfully that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, although for awhile there I couldn't see it myself.
It's shining now - brightly.
Much love,
Hi Virginia,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations and thank you for your honesty about such a personal experience. I have a close friend that suffers from anxiety and I will send him a link to your post as I found it truly inspiring and for myself reading your story simply makes me respect you even more.
Daniel Woolley
Thanks Daniel. Now you understand why I haven't got back to you about social networking. But I am getting better and would be keen soon. Just getting back to wellness, so have been quite low-key workwise.
DeleteActually, there's an event you can go to at Puke Ariki that will be helpful - I'll send the details.
In the meantime, thanks so much for lovely feedback.
Hope Greenbridge is going well.
Virginia you are remarkable. .when you share an illness you take the 'i' out of illness and add 'we' ....and you change it to wellness. ..fb me and let me know what I can do to be part of the 'we' for you. ..a coffee perhaps anytime any place
ReplyDeleteThanks Carol. I don't think I'm anything special because there's a lot of people out there who are unwell - and well - who are doing more for the world than me.
DeleteHowever, I do have the ability to write, so I can tell my story and, hopefully, show that people with bipolar or another mental illness can still be productive citizens, who can contribute to the community.
I would love to catch up! Give me a call this weekend - I'm keen for a coffee (always am).
Much love,
Virginia x
Amazing to read Virginia. Sorry things have been so tough. Bigs hugs from us to you. Roz
ReplyDeleteVirgina, We haven't mixed in the same circles for years - just the occasional encounter in the street or at an arts function - a nod of acknowledgement - a little bit of small talk and then moving on with our lives. A few years ago when you "culled" your Facebook friends I opted to "stay in" in acknowledgement of the significance you have had on the life of my family. There are things in my house which impart your magnificent presence: a set of hand painted cushions, a picture frame, a little girl's home made skirt, music CD's... Patrick's NCEA English results. Over many years you have given to my family unconditionally and have always been genuinely interested in their progress. I have felt inadequate in my attempts to pay your gifts forward.
ReplyDeleteYou were truly missed at Patrick's 21st on Saturday, but reading your blog I now understand that making future decisions around your social life must be very difficult at times and especially this June when the invites came out. I don't want to make false promises about support and friendship but next time I bump into you in the street I hope we might both have time to take a coffee break so I can tell you in person just how important you are to the Gruchy/Watt family. And although you will be a lot fitter than me, I am still keen to go for a cycle ride if that appeals. Love Shelley
Shelley, you made me cry. I love your family so much! But the truth is I really wasn't up to attending Paddy's 21st, even though he's dear to my heart - as are Phoebe and Max. Yeah, I have watched them grow up and it's been a privilege to be part of their lives.
DeleteEvery time I see you it's lovely to connect. Yes, I'm keen for a cycle ride. My fitness has gone down in the last month, so I really need to get back on the bike!
Much love,
So beautifully written Virginia, your honesty is an inspiration. I am thinking of you and wishing you and your family all the best.
ReplyDeleteLove Deb Jardine
Hi Virginia
ReplyDeleteWow, I think it is great you came here and talked about how you feel, it is so important, to be honest about these things, I already thought you were a great person, a great writer and obviously funny and intelligent, now I see you in an even brighter light! Much respect!