Lots of people have begun saying that I look different.
Some haven't even recognised me because my hair is longer and I'm getting smaller.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with my sunglasses. But are they Batgirl or Catwoman glasses?
It was interesting wearing them out walking yesterday because people's reactions were so different.
Some adults just wouldn't look at me, like I was a madwoman, kids grinned at me and teenagers gave me that OMG look, thankful I wasn't their mother.
The truth is they were the only sunglasses I could put my hands on in a hurry. But I quite like them, simply because they are so ridiculous and one should never take oneself too seriously.
My kids bought them for me at the Big Day Out this year, so they've got to be good, don't they?
Walked 7.8km yesterday. I've got this great gadget - my Sony Walkman (no they are not sponsoring me) - which tells me how far I have walked, how many steps I've taken, how many calories I've burned and, of course, it plays my fantastic walking tracks to inspire me.
As I walked along yesterday, I grinned at the world with Monty Python's Bright Side of Life playing in my ears. The weather was lovely and I saw one of my friends on the walkway near Ngamotu Beach.
"I nearly didn't recognise you," Irena Brooks yelled from her bike.
"I suppose it was the glasses," I replied crossing the road.
"No, they helped me realise it was you," she said.
Damn, cover blown.
Perhaps a cape next time?
"You look different - fitter, healthier," she said.
We chatted about fitness and what a great day it was. I told her about my stair sprints and she admitted she didn't know I was a sprinter when I was younger.
Everybody always assumes that because I was a surf lifesaver I was a great swimmer. I'm not bad, but my reason for joining was to race along the hot black sand. If you're reading this from afar and never been to Taranaki, you may not know we have black ironsand on our coast.
On sunny days it burns your feet, so you have to run over it. I've always reckoned that's why our region has always had so many top beach sprinters.
You have no idea how much I would love to sprint again.
I have sprinting dreams, kind of like flying dreams. I also have skateboard-riding dreams, but that's another story, completely.
The closest I get are those hills, which I power up in my walking version of fartlek training, similar to what I did in my running days.
Anyway - that was yesterday.
I'm sitting here finishing this off in my togs!
Just walked to Fitzroy along the walk way (including underneath Kawaroa) and went for a swim in the sea with Warren, who went for a run.
It was gorgeous.
I wanted to go for a bike ride today, but didn't fancy pedalling home and getting hot again. Guess I will get used to that though, because I'll be doing it lots this summer.
There are things I'm looking forward to as I get fitter and slimmer:
Getting a new pair of togs (when I get under 100kg).
Wearing a T-shirt with those short, short sleeves (when my arms are firmer).
No longer having to only shop in the larger women's section.
Having a waist again.
But most of all, being able to run again.
Hmm, I wonder if I could skateboard again too - or at 48, perhaps I should leave it to the next generation.
Second thoughts... a long board for my 50th birthday? I reckon!
This weekend, I:
Worked for 6 hours (Sunday)
Have eaten only delicious, healthy meals
Walked for 7.8km (Saturday)
Walked for 4.9km (Sunday)
Slept for 7 disturbed hours (Friday night)
Slept for 10 blissful hours (Saturday night)
Drank lots of water
Drank 4 cups of coffee (2 each day)
Started reading a book (I haven't read one for months)