Sunday, January 1, 2012

If you had one shot... the 12-step resolution

By Virginia Winder
Today is the first day of a new year.
Or a new life.
The other day a good friend asked for advice about how to get started on a mission to lose weight and getfit.
Here is my 12-step guide to starting and continuing a New Year's resolution:
1. Start dreaming. What do you want to do? Is there a goal you want to achieve? Think of the biggest, boldest dream you could imagine. What is it? Do you want to climb Mt Taranaki? Do the Otago rail trail? The Abel Tasman walkway? Is it a sporting aim or do you want do look great for an upcoming occasion? Or is it a health issue you want to keep at bay for the rest of your life? Beat diabetes? Lower that blood pressure or cholesterol? This is your dream and your goal - you call the shots.
2. Get going. It's holiday time now, so start walking or swimming or biking or running - whatever it is you want to do. Start with 10 or 15 minutes or 10 lengths. But do something today or tomorrow and again, and again...
3. Make it fun. Get an iPod or MP3 player and listen to music or a talking book. Make it a social outing so do it with a friend, but if they can't make it, go it alone. You'll love the time out and be revived and refreshed by it.
4. Be prepared. Have a bag for swimming all ready to go. Have your biking gear or your walking or running gear at hand, plus a drink bottle ready to grab. Make it easy, so you just get up and go.
5. Start again. If you have a day when you feel flat or life gets in the way of exercise, don't beat yourself up about it. Let it go and start again the next day. This is meant to be fun, not another reason to feel guilty. Lighten up!
6. Forget diets forever. Research shows they are not sustainable and don't work. Ever. That's because you go off diets and go back to bad habits. And what happens? Yes, you've got it - the weight goes back on. How many times have you been on a diet and thought about nothing else but the food you're not allowed? Instead, be mindful about what you eat. "Mindfulness" is a whole subject on its own.
7. Food education is No 1. Find out what foods work for you and what don't. The big revelation for me has been about carbohydrates - rice, bread, potatoes and pasta are the major reasons why I put on weight and couldn't take it off. I have virtually (but not entirely) eliminated them from my diet. If it's too hard to cut your carbs completely, halve them. Have open sandwiches, cut your rice portions in half and the same with potatoes and pasta.
8. Eat more protein. Fish (especially salmon), low-fat meat, parmesan, nuts, avocado, feta and protein (whey powder) shakes help with energy levels in training.
I have cut out most cheeses, plus butter, bacon (which I don't like much anyway) and all other high-fat foods. Not only do I no longer crave them, when I have them, they make me feel ill. 
9. Make sure you have plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, grains, legumes and unprocessed foods. 
10. Love those treats. I have dark chocolate most days because I love it and it's a fine antioxidant. But I only have one or 2 squares. Coffee is the same for me - I have no more than 3 cups a day, but I won't go without it because that wouldn't be fair on my family.  You might not like either of these and may opt for something else completely different that I have no idea about, but it's OK to have a wee treat.  
11. Banish guilt for all time. Forget the whole idea of failure and guilt. If you have a bad day, so be it. Don't hate yourself for it. You're only human. I'm not perfect - I snuck out to the pantry just before and had a teaspoon of macadamia chocolate spread! Mmmm. Do I feel guilty? Yes, a little, because it's not mine (it's either my French daughter's or my son's - so don't tell). Seriously though, just start thinking about what you're eating, why you're eating it and whether it's going to make you feel better. Consider your answers.
12. Lose Yourself. I love exercising with a passion and when you get going, you will too. Your joy might be surfing, tramping through the bush, sunset strolls on the seafront, bodysurfing with your family at twilight, or doing yoga in a park.
For me it's a combination of sports. Swimming is meditation and fun; invigorating and edgy (read scary); and when I'm out walking, I feel like anything is possible. And for those who don't know, I normally start my walk with that Eminem song, Lose Yourself...
"Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?"
Happy days everyone - 2012 is yours for the taking.

Today, I:
Walked for 50 minutes
Swam in the sea (in the rain - glorious)
Ate three nutritious meals
Drank lots of water
Had 1 cup of coffee
Slept terribly (playing mother/nurse to young over-imbibers)
Worked for 2 hours


  1. Love your goal Virginia and that you lost weight over Christmas....Go Girl! from Karen Schumacher - you will help keep me focussed on my goal of a triathlon in 2013 now off to the pool I go.

  2. Great newspaper article too

  3. Virginia McClennanTuesday, January 03, 2012

    Inspiring article - and well done you! I bought myself a bike for Christmas and so far have just tootled up and down Oriental Bay. Wellington roads require a shift in courage! However, I'm inspired now - and I'll check into your blog regularly. Good on you.

  4. Awesome blogs of 2011, can't wait for all 2012's and your progress has been amazing, so proud of you my sister x

  5. have just found your blog, and will be a follower, and hope to pass on the details on your blog. all I can say is WOW.
