Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Great Escape

As I walked beneath pohutukawa trees in New Plymouth, I got lost in Paris.
It was a brisk outing on a loop from home to the walkway around the Aquatic Centre and through trees that used to be tended by our old neighbour Mickey Malloy, who died in the 1980s. When I wander through those trees at Kawaroa, I often imagine him pulling weeds and digging.
But yesterday my mind was in Paris during the late 1800s. Yes, I was lost in a talking book, one called Sepulchre by Kate Mosse and read by Lorelei King, one of my favourite narrators.
I got the idea of downloading straight on to my iPod Touch by reading the Facebook page of Neil Gaiman, an author whose fantastical work I love.
He said he was getting unfit, so he downloaded an application called Audible (you have to be a member online first) and has been walking and listening ever since. Consequently, he's back in shape. Sepulchre is about 20 hours long, so I've got a lot of walking or biking to do.
My dilemma though, was where to put the iPod. My daughter, Clementine, suggested slipping it into my bra and it worked a treat!

Yesterday, I:
Walked for 30 minutes.
Worked for about 1 hour (researching exercise books and magazines).
Wrote my blog.
Ate three healthy meals with good servings of low-fat protein.
Avoided roasted, crunchy potatoes.
Had a peaceful, relaxing day with my husband, Warren.
Decluttered my desk.
Went to bed way too late!

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